


1. 寡肽:寡肽是一种具有生物活性的小分子蛋白质,能够促进肌肤表皮更新,改善激素脸、痘痘肌,平衡和调节皮肤内环境,同时还能强韧肌肤屏障。

2. 透明质酸钠:被称为“黄金保湿剂”,具有强大的锁水能力,可以有效地渗透到底层肌肤,为肌肤补充水分,使肌肤长时间保持水润。

3. 多糖:多糖成分具有抗氧化、抗炎、抗衰老等功效,能够促进肌肤胶原蛋白和弹性纤维的生成,提升肌肤紧致度。


1. 缺水、痘痘、色斑、肌肤暗沉等肌肤问题。

2. 修复受损肌肤,提升肌肤自愈力。

3. 增强肌肤屏障,抵御外界侵害。

4. 促进肌肤新陈代谢,焕发肌肤活力。

5. 提亮肤色,淡化色斑。

6. 减少痘痘、痘印、痘坑等问题。



### 功能解析:

1. **心脏保护**:辅酶Q10是心脏细胞线粒体中的一种重要成分,有助于维持心肌的能量供应。它能够减轻急性缺血时心肌收缩力的减弱,保护缺血心肌,增加心输出量,降低外周阻力,从而有利于抗心衰治疗。

2. **抗氧化作用**:辅酶Q10是一种强效的抗氧化剂,可以清除自由基,防止氧化应激,对心脏和血管有保护作用。

3. **肝脏保护**:它能够保护肝脏免受化学物质和毒素的伤害,对于病毒性肝炎、亚急性肝坏死和慢性活动性肝炎等肝脏疾病有辅助治疗作用。

4. **免疫增强**:辅酶Q10可以增强免疫功能,提高身体对疾病的抵抗力。

5. **抗心律失常**:在缺氧条件下,辅酶Q10能够抑制心律失常,提高心脏的稳定性。

6. **抗癌作用**:在癌症的综合治疗中,辅酶Q10能够减轻化疗和放疗的副作用,并可能具有抗癌效果。

### 益处展示:

1. **心血管健康**:有助于预防心脏疾病,改善心肌功能,降低心血管疾病的风险。

2. **抗衰老**:通过抗氧化作用,可以减缓皮肤衰老过程,减少皱纹。

3. **抗疲劳**:提高身体能量水平,增加活力和精力。

4. **肝脏健康**:保护肝脏免受损伤,改善肝脏功能。

5. **免疫系统增强**:提高身体对疾病的抵抗力。

6. **减轻化疗和放疗副作用**:在癌症治疗中,辅酶Q10能够减轻化疗和放疗的副作用,提高患者的生活质量。

### 使用建议:
























1. **护肤美容**:鸡蛋清含有多种氨基酸和矿物质,尤其是蛋白质含量极高,对皮肤有很好的滋润和紧致作用。使用鸡蛋清做面膜,可以收敛毛孔,减少皮肤油脂分泌,有助于去除死皮,使皮肤看起来更加光滑细腻。

2. **清热解毒**:鸡蛋清性寒,有清热解毒的功效。在中医理论中,它可以用于治疗一些热毒性疾病,如丹毒、腮腺炎等。

3. **消炎镇痛**:鸡蛋清具有消炎和镇痛的作用,对于一些轻微的创伤或烧伤,可以用鸡蛋清涂抹,有助于消炎止痛。

4. **辅助治疗疾病**:鸡蛋清在中医中还有辅助治疗某些疾病的作用。例如,它可以用于治疗食物中毒、药物中毒、慢性中耳炎、化脓性创伤等。

5. **促进伤口愈合**:鸡蛋清中的蛋白质成分有助于细胞修复和再生,对于促进伤口愈合有一定的帮助。

6. **美发**:鸡蛋清还可以用来护理头发,能够滋润头发,减少分叉,使头发更加柔顺亮泽。

7. **减肥**:鸡蛋清低热量、高蛋白,是减肥饮食中的理想食物。它能够提供饱腹感,同时不会增加过多的热量。

8. **缓解过敏症状**:鸡蛋清中的某些成分可以帮助缓解过敏症状,如荨麻疹、皮炎等。

– 使用前应确保鸡蛋新鲜,避免细菌感染。
– 根据个人体质和具体情况选择合适的方法。
– 使用后要彻底清洁皮肤,避免残留物引起不适。
– 对于有过敏史的人群,初次使用前最好进行皮肤过敏测试。









1. 生食:将砂梨洗净,去皮去核,直接食用。这样既可以保证营养的摄入,又能满足口感。

2. 煮水:将砂梨洗净,去皮去核,切成小块,加入适量水,煮沸后转小火慢炖,待汤汁浓稠时即可饮用。

3. 炖汤:将砂梨与其他食材(如枸杞、红枣等)一起炖汤,既美味又具有保健功效。







1. 健胃消食:茴香具有健胃、行气的功效,猪肚能养胃健脾,两者结合,能有效改善消化不良、食欲不振等症状。

2. 补肾益气:猪肚具有滋补元气的功效,茴香则能补肾气,两者搭配,有助于提高人体免疫力,增强体质。

3. 滋阴润燥:猪肚具有滋阴润燥的功效,对于阴虚火旺、口干舌燥的人群有很好的调理作用。

4. 促进血液循环:猪肚富含胶原蛋白,有助于改善血液循环,预防心血管疾病。







1. 独特配方:产品采用天然植物提取物,安全无刺激,适合各种肤质使用。

2. 深层滋养:有效成分深入肌肤底层,滋养细胞,增强肌肤抵抗力。

3. 表层修复:保湿成分和紧致成分共同作用,使肌肤水润饱满,紧致有弹性。

4. 易于吸收:产品质地轻薄,易于吸收,不会给肌肤带来负担。

5. 长期使用效果显著:经过大量消费者使用验证,长期使用《百肤灵抗衰老》能够有效延缓肌肤衰老,提升肌肤活力。






1. 发汗透疹:香菜具有发汗透疹的作用,可以帮助身体排出体内的毒素,从而减轻咽喉肿痛的症状。

2. 消炎止痛:香菜中含有丰富的维生素C和微量元素,具有很好的消炎止痛作用,能够缓解咽喉肿痛带来的不适。

3. 润喉止咳:香菜汤具有润喉止咳的功效,可以帮助缓解咽喉干燥、疼痛等症状。

4. 促进消化:香菜还具有消食下气的功效,对于因饮食不当引起的咽喉肿痛也有一定的缓解作用。


1. 香菜汤不宜过热,以免刺激咽喉,加重疼痛。

2. 香菜汤不宜过量饮用,以免引起不适。

3. 对于香菜过敏的人群,应避免饮用香菜汤。

4. 香菜汤虽好,但并不能完全替代药物治疗。若咽喉肿痛症状严重,应及时就医。


Unified instructions follow.

"Dragon with the world In 613, the dragon king of beasts was betrayed by his nine children, and fled from the divine world to the living race. Soldiers defended the dragon king and fought a shocking war with his nine children.
How can a mediocre human being and a beast god can’t bear to watch people and races perish one by one and their lives become a nine-story pagoda named "Long Ta"!
Long Ta sent out a cloud of colored light and trapped some traitors and his nine children.
In the nine-story Long Ta, each floor of the Dragon King has developed a key to hold the nine children and the most powerful leader among the traitors, as well as those scattered monsters.
Leave him the rebels without a leader to lead a man who has lost his backbone. Race morale is high and the remaining rebels will be wiped out together.
However, there will be gravel falling to everyone in the divine world, and the world has been destroyed and can’t be born.
Longwangli absorbed the dragon into Long Ta with the essence of the world with all his remaining strength, and various ethnic groups also entered Long Ta to live one after another. Some ethnic groups are attached to their hometown or have personal reasons to choose to stay outside Long Ta …
The Dragon King’s ability is limited. After nine children entered Long Ta, he has no extra strength. All the monsters with smaller bodies will rush out of the key while the key is a little crack.
After entering the tower for a long time, soldiers of all ethnic groups found nine ancient artifacts hidden in the mainland, and jointly launched a special ability to repair and improve Long Ta, successfully solving the problem that the key has escaped again.
In the future, according to their own ability level, all ethnic groups set up access control on each floor in Long Ta, and only when they reach a certain level can they stay in a higher level in Long Ta.
After all races have chosen their own life towers, the key is suddenly moved to the sky column.
Tongtian Column is the only channel for the nine-story Long Ta to send each other, and now it is legal to send it again unless the nine children of the Dragon King in the key are killed.
The nine artifacts have consumed almost all kinds of soldiers’ strength. Plus Tongtian Column has organized Long Ta to send each other, which has dispersed all ethnic forces.
Long Ta has a limit on the number of people who enter the key every time in the world, but it’s unusual for nine children of the Dragon King. A racial team can defeat the dispersed forces. Are you capable of defeating Long Jiu …
Until now, Long Ta or France has sent each other a gift, waiting for natural selection to kill the key dragon nine and connect the two layers of tongtian columns to send each other. "
As soon as the video is over, Wu Zhe is dizzy and waits for Xiao Yun to appear again with his eyes open. What can you think of? The throb quickly disappears with disappointment …
"Player friends, are you ok? Need to quit the game rest? "
"Nothing’s all right"
"Then I will continue to introduce you.
The dragon follows the world. Players can choose a race. There are Terrans. His race is already a fixed dragon follows the world race. Of course, you players can look for special props in the game, so you may have a chance to regenerate other races.
Terran is the weakest and most powerful race.
Maybe you still don’t understand this sentence. I’ll play you a video again. "
In the video, the dragon follows the terrans and orcs in the world all the time. Wu Zhe is fascinated by the dragon following the world scenery and world rules.
"As you can see, a born Terran doesn’t have any strength. All of them need to rely on their parents, relatives and friends. Compared with the monster beast of the same age, they can practice and grow up much faster than the monster beast when they grow up.
There is another advantage. This is a welfare for you players. Before you enter the Dragon Follow World, we will scan each player’s body. Every time each player enters the Dragon Follow World, it corresponds to the actual physical qualifications. This is the case in the Dragon Follow World.
Some martial arts dragons that you players have learned in reality can also be used in the world, but players can’t feel the attributes of dragons following the five elements in the world until they raise their cultivation level to a certain height, so that players can fight with the five elements in the real world.
In another case, players can choose to join the wizard’s gate to discuss the cultivation level. The wizard dragon can feel the five elements of nature with the world, but the martial arts effect of the wizard dragon releasing the reality center with the world is much weaker than that in reality.
Overall, players are still much better than newborn babies, and you players don’t need to face the crisis of being eliminated by those big cultivation sects. The player qualification has been unified and adjusted to the highest, and all major cultivation sects will rush to accept your disciples. "
"Is this game over if I finish killing the nine dragons?"
"ah? ! ! ! !”
Chapter 23 Dark egg
Wu Zhe’s sudden question startled Xiaoyun, which can be seen in the real-life simulation system of Dragon with the World.
"Hehe, I’m joking. Is there anything else I should pay attention to?"
Xiaoyun immediately returned to normal, took a meaningful look at Wu Zhe and said slowly, "His game needs players to explore their own faces, and I will give you a match between life and beast."
"Does the life beast soul match?"
"Well, every player needs to match the life beast soul deed once before entering the dragon with the world. Of course, the success rate of matching the life beast soul deed is very low, and we will give the player an hour.
If you don’t want to match the player for an hour, the match between life and beast will end directly.
Even if you don’t match the life beast, players don’t worry that there will be many ways to get the dragon with the life beast in the world, but a player can also have a life beast. "
"Wait a minute. What do you mean by slow down and match the life beast and the soul deed?"
"I’ll explain to you that the magic world is a special one, saying that the gods specialize in orcs and have strange abilities. There are monster beast eggs after the death of the monster beast.
The life beast is a monster beast, but they have no monster beast habits and characteristics, and are good partners of all kinds of dragons in the world.
The better and stronger the players train the life beast, the greater their help will be.
In the illusion that monster eggs are Tathagata, this is all due to the effect of illusion.
After the death of some monster beasts, the beast Dan is not destroyed. If it is not absorbed by his race for a long time, the beast Dan will disappear by force induction during the illusory world, and then become a monster egg. When the illusory world appears, his race can enter the illusory world and perform blood deeds or soul deeds on these monster eggs.
Under normal circumstances, it is necessary to sign a blood contract. You players enter the dragon with the world through the helmet to connect the brain spirit instead of directly entering the law to make a blood contract.
We will benefit the player’s mind and spirit to make a soul pact to find the most suitable beast for the player’s life. "
"You said that players have passed the ideological spirit when they entered the dragon-following world. If our dragon-following world is injured, will there be any brain damage, which may affect our real body?"
"Of course not. The dragon’s injury in the world has no effect on the real world, and staying with the world for a long time can also enhance the player’s brain spirit.
It is more hopeful that the player will learn the martial arts in the world. In reality, there is a chance to reproduce it. There are too many benefits. You can go and see his player feedback and the news interface area in the game. Many players will explain to novice players … "
Wu Zhe nodded and stopped obsessing about physical harm. "What’s the difference between soul deed and blood deed?"
"The difference between soul deed and blood deed is very big, but it is not too big for you players. For example, you will understand that the dragon lives with the world. NPC will also have a life beast. Once it dies or is forcibly blocked by its owner, the owner of the life beast will be subject to the contract itself.
In the case of blood contract, the life beast is cut off from its master, but the soul contract is different. Once the life beast is cut off from its master, it will die. Few life beasts will choose the soul contract.
On the contrary, if the owner cuts off his own life, the animal Federation will also be attacked by itself.
The blood pact is mainly about the body, while the soul pact is about the brain spirit. Generally, the body can be trained again after a little damage, but it is difficult to recover after the spirit is damaged. The common choice of all races is blood pact, which is good for themselves and animals.
Except for you players, your brain, mind and spirit are strictly protected, and nothing will hurt you.

Olga said it a little euphemistically.

Does mental illness need a reason?
have no use for
Although there are many "factions" in the "return to a parliament", they do pursue certain ideals.
But it is purely a guy who is full and flustered, simply wants to do great things, wants to have a grand suicide scene for himself, and drags everyone to die together … That is also a lot or everywhere.
Once the plan really starts,
Those guys who have goals and ideals are still clear-headed and can barely predict what they will do and what they think.
And what the hell will those pure psychopaths do …
It is purely metaphysical.
Little Olga knew that some guys simply wanted to fight to their hearts’ content.
There is a sense of life and death, and each other may die!
The official start of the plan can be seen as the plan is out of control.
Once you do it,
It must be a terrible sight like a mad dog coming out.
Many guy who have been silent for a long time will destroy everything at will.
This is the predictable thing!
when the time comes
Once the implementation steps are planned, there are many steps
I’m afraid even the follow-up plan is a big problem if it continues to be implemented!
The maximum probability is that everyone will directly fight …
If this make that plan come true.
Can choose a scheme that can completely solve the problem at one time.
The kind of scheme that everyone needs to join hands to solve most key problems at once.
So as to avoid the situation completely out of control, play each other and plan each time.
To a parliament 】 【 need a one-time can make the whole 【 multiverse 】 fatal flaw scheme!
This is also the case in the past, although there have been various opportunities
But [to a parliament] didn’t move much.
The necessary factors are still insufficient.
The key puzzles needed for the plan are also missing.
You need some guys with [special concepts] to join the plan.
For example, Olga is a very important part of it.
Not only is he happy to symbolize the [complete concept], but he also has a specialization in the industry.
this moment
Looking at it, I fell into thinking after getting my own information [OAA]. Olga did not forget to say
"I hope you don’t die too soon if the plan is really carried out there."
"Anyway, I have to kill you."
"Of course [Gunn] is the same there."
"I have been thinking about you for a long time."
"You must not die at the hands of other guys."