



1. 抗菌消炎:香菜中的抗菌成分,可以抑制细菌的生长,对咽喉炎、扁桃体炎等疾病有一定的缓解作用。

2. 利尿消肿:香菜具有利尿作用,可以帮助身体排出多余的水分,缓解水肿症状。

3. 预防感冒:香菜具有发汗解表的作用,可以预防感冒,增强免疫力。

4. 促进血液循环:香菜中的香精油成分,可以扩张血管,促进血液循环,对高血压、高血脂等疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。



1. 鸡肉洗净,切成小块;香菜洗净,切段。
2. 锅中加水,放入鸡肉、姜片、葱段、料酒,大火煮开后转小火炖煮30分钟。
3. 将炖煮好的鸡肉捞出,汤中加入盐、胡椒粉调味。
4. 将香菜段放入锅中,煮开后即可关火。








1. 增强免疫力:番茄叶中的营养成分能够提高人体免疫力,帮助身体抵抗病毒和细菌的侵袭。

2. 促进消化:番茄叶中的纤维素有助于促进肠道蠕动,改善消化功能,预防便秘。

3. 抗癌作用:番茄叶中的番茄红素和其他抗氧化物质具有一定的抗癌作用,有助于降低癌症风险。

4. 抗疲劳:番茄叶中的多种营养成分能够为身体提供能量,缓解疲劳,提高工作效率。

5. 帮助减肥:番茄叶低热量、高纤维,有助于增加饱腹感,减少食欲,对于减肥有一定的辅助作用。








1. 严格按照医嘱服用,切勿自行增减剂量或停药。

2. 身体壮实不虚者、出血者和孕妇不宜服用。

3. 阴虚、热盛者需谨慎服用。

4. 服药期间,不宜同时服用藜芦、五灵脂、皂荚或其制剂,不宜喝茶和吃萝卜。

5. 患者服药四周症状没有缓解,应及时就医。



















1. 养血安胎:黄酒煮鸡蛋是一种传统的滋补佳品,尤其适合女性在坐月子期间食用。黄酒中的营养物质有助于补充产后身体所需的营养,促进身体恢复。

2. 抗衰老:黄酒是B族维生素的良好来源,其中维生素B1、B2、尼克酸、维生素E等成分丰富,长期饮用有利于美容、抗衰老。

3. 促进消化:黄酒中的有机酸和糖类物质有助于促进消化,增强食欲。

4. 调理肠胃:黄酒具有调胃、实肠、下气、消肿等功效,对于调理肠胃、改善便秘有一定的帮助。

5. 治疗产后臂痛:炸鲫鱼煮黄酒是一种具有调胃、实肠、下气、消肿及止臂痛的功效的菜肴,可治女性产后臂痛抽撞症。


1. 适量饮用:黄酒虽然营养价值高,但酒精含量也不低,过量饮用可能对身体造成伤害。建议成年人每天饮用量控制在100毫升以内。

2. 饮用时间:黄酒在餐后饮用效果更佳,可以促进消化,但不宜空腹饮用。

3. 避免与辛辣、油腻食物同食:黄酒与辛辣、油腻食物同食可能会加重肠胃负担。

4. 孕妇、儿童、酒精过敏者不宜饮用:孕妇、儿童以及酒精过敏者应避免饮用黄酒。


















1. 清炒马兰菜:将马兰菜洗净,焯水后捞出,与蒜末、辣椒等调料一起炒制,简单美味。

2. 马兰菜汤:将马兰菜与瘦肉、豆腐等食材一起煲汤,营养丰富,口感鲜美。

3. 马兰菜凉拌:将马兰菜焯水后,加入蒜末、醋、盐等调料拌匀,清凉爽口。




1. 增强骨骼密度:氨糖和钙都是骨骼的重要成分。氨糖能促进骨骼胶原蛋白的合成,提高骨骼的弹性和韧性;钙则是构成骨骼的基本元素,有助于维持骨骼的硬度和强度。

2. 预防骨质疏松:随着年龄的增长,人体骨骼中的钙质逐渐流失,导致骨密度降低,从而引发骨质疏松。氨糖加钙能有效补充骨骼所需钙质,预防骨质疏松。

3. 缓解关节疼痛:氨糖具有抗炎镇痛作用,对于关节疼痛有较好的缓解效果。同时,钙质有助于改善关节软骨的营养,减轻关节疼痛。


1. 适量补充:成年人每天需要摄入约800毫克的钙,而氨糖的摄入量则根据个人需求而定。在补充氨糖加钙时,应遵循适量原则,避免过量摄入。

2. 合理搭配饮食:富含钙的食物有牛奶、奶制品、豆制品、鱼虾、绿叶蔬菜等。同时,富含氨糖的食物有猪脚、鸡爪、牛蹄筋等。在日常饮食中,应注意多样化搭配,确保摄入充足的钙和氨糖。

3. 选择合适的补充剂:市面上有许多氨糖加钙的补充剂,如钙片、氨糖钙片等。在选择补充剂时,应注意以下两点:



4. 保持良好生活习惯:适量运动、戒烟限酒、保持良好作息等都有助于预防骨质疏松。





1. 抗氧化应激:炒生姜中的抗氧化成分可以减轻氧化应激对细胞的损伤,保护细胞膜结构,维持细胞正常功能。

2. 抗氧化衰老:炒生姜中的抗氧化成分能够清除自由基,减少氧化应激,从而延缓细胞衰老,提高人体免疫力。

3. 抗肿瘤:炒生姜中的抗氧化成分可以抑制肿瘤细胞的生长和转移,降低癌症风险。


1. 抗肿瘤细胞凋亡:炒生姜中的抗氧化成分可以抑制肿瘤细胞的凋亡,从而减少肿瘤细胞的数量,降低癌症风险。

2. 抗神经细胞凋亡:炒生姜中的抗氧化成分可以保护神经细胞,防止神经退行性疾病的发生。

3. 抗心肌细胞凋亡:炒生姜中的抗氧化成分可以减轻心肌细胞的凋亡,降低心血管疾病的风险。



"That’s no good. I’ve been a general in my life, but I don’t want to be strangled by that monster’s tail instead of dying in battle. I can’t stand this tone!"

You Yiling Guan Nai said, "This is your will."
"Why? It’s a big deal to let the old man reincarnate again. It’s just that the old man can’t be laughed at by the three realms without this tone? "
Ling Guan Nai knows the temper of Marshal Ma too well.
Can hand way: "Marshal, if you can stay for a column of incense, otherwise the little gods will take you back. If you can enter from Tianmen, it will definitely disturb you. Please forgive Marshal."
A stick of incense?
Ma Lingyao immediately nodded his head.
Then open your eyes just for a moment.
The monster suddenly felt wrong.
Seeing the bear king flapping his body constantly, the monster was too hot and hot to stand being thrown far away.
Xu Lingyao stood in the middle of the eyebrows, and there was a constant fire pouring out of Zhang Tianyi’s eyes.
Then a flaming crow flew out of the sky and dyed it red.
"Die before the evil barrier!"
Chapter 5 Destroy the Second Demon and Grab the Dragon Ball
"What is this?"
Shougong and bones are all surprised, and then a possibility comes to mind.
The reincarnation of the gods?
A slight smoke in their hearts will kill me in such a day?
There happened to be a mortal who was reincarnated as a god. More coincidentally, this god just came back from robbery to awaken Su Hui!
The Taoist Bones handed in his hand and said, "My Lord God, we and other disciples have offended many times before. I hope that Haihan will send a generous gift to the government to apologize in the future."
Marshal Ma was surrounded by fire crows and said with a smile, "Say goodbye. I don’t want you. I just want your two heads."
Road flyover Shougong’s metamorphosis was interrupted and he was poisoned by a horse. Now it still hurts. He has long lost his mind and immediately spoke and scolded:
"God don’t want to boast. How important is it for you? Leave quickly, or my brothers and sisters will let you taste it! "
"I don’t know if I live or die!"
Marshal Ma’s anger immediately overwhelmed the fire crows.
Bones and Shougong also greeted the avatar.
This is a good way to kill two demon fairy supernatural powers, and the gods have a strong reputation. The poisonous fog covers the sky and fans the mind, and the fire reflects the sun and burns the golden body
Watching Wu Ming from afar, he didn’t expect that Lao Xu turned out to be the reincarnation of the gods!
I don’t know who it is.
He turned white when he saw that three eyes could set fire to crows.
Boy, what a horse Lord!
Although the four grand marshals in Journey to the West are all background boards, Wu Ming will not be naive. They are small roles.
I saw Marshal Ma again this time, and it’s not far from Marshal Qi’s achievements.
By his fantasy, he was killed.
Marshal Ma is the body that Su Hui was able to use his life to protect himself but has not returned to heaven. What magic is there?
Guarding the palace and bones are not ordinary people, and such strength as throwing westward journey can also be left and right.
It’s hard to tell the difference at one time.
Feiyun palace
Rites, Music, Praise and New Officials
Three days ago, the first six officials of the Prime Minister supported Taitai to ascend to the throne, saying that they had already ascended the throne and took out the imperial edict of the country.
Baiguan, though puzzled, never thought that anyone dared to forge the imperial edict.
Today, it is to worship the heavens and ancestors, so that they can be justified and truly become a country.
After the altar of Young Tai burned the eulogy, a stream of smoke drifted into the Qing Dynasty.
the ceremony is over
The new Feiyun kingdom succeeded to the throne.
The dragon ball hanging in the sky suddenly shook and tottered as if it wanted to fall into the poison pool.
Road flyover bones suddenly a surprised.
"It’s not good that the dragon ball can’t be pulled!"
Keeping the palace is also a panic in my heart. Although its transformation has been interrupted, I have to take a few inverse acts’s heavy refining of the five poisons to raise the elixir, so I can continue to transform with the help of the Dragon Ball essence.
"What is this?"
The Taoist Bones made the avatar drive the corpse demon in Bones Temple to see the situation of that country.
See, although it’s sluggish, it’s still hanging
Then how could it be lost?
"I dare to be distracted by two evil animals?"
A fire dragon suddenly jumped out and picked up two.
Hot dragon breath spurt
Marshal Ma was about to kill the second demon in one fell swoop.
But gradually getting lighter.

Tao cat sighed, "I consulted a large number of Terran classics and found a lot of evidence materials, and I did find traces of causal scales. Unfortunately, because the Terran has not seen enlightened causal Mahayana for many years, as a result, this pole-bearing artifact has been lost to those who don’t know where to go. In those days, I was distracted and found the celestial continent along the causal scales to find the results, but later I lost it."

Sun Hao stayed for another time. "You mean that the causal scale may have drifted to the mainland of Tianling?"
Tao cat shrugged. "It’s only possible. It took me thousands of years to conclude that I found a breath, but I couldn’t find it in the end."
Sun Hao’s face showed a strange expression. After staring at the cat for half a ring, he said in his mouth, "When I was in China, I got a strange scale by chance. I haven’t seen any way for many years. Come and show me this scale …"
Say that finish wrist a turn a small scale appeared hand forward to the cat.
Tao cat shook his head in his heart and said, "How can a causal scale be easily found? Don’t just take a steelyard to scale Libra’s causal scale … Yi? Aquilaria. Really? I do you this my day you this is really a causal scale I dizzy completely dizzy … "
Tao Tianji searched for tens of thousands of years and failed to find the causal scale! Boy, now I have just revealed this shocking news to Sun Hao, and I am going to let Sun Hao sigh about the Terran relic.
Sun Haoma got the causal scale for him and put it in front of him for him to identify! How can there be something so absurd in this world, oh, not so crazy?
This is really a causal scale. It’s really a causal scale. I searched for it for so long, but I didn’t find Sun Hao and took it out.
I don’t know what to say with a causal scale.
Luo Pengfei is also amazed! This thing can weigh cause and effect?
Chapter DiErWuLiu Causality Scale (2)
At that time, Sun Hao incarnated Zhong Xiaohao, wandering around the Island of God of War Palace, and walked away from the Libra Palace inside.
When this thing reached Sun Hao’s hands, it became a closet completely. Things were always thrown at Sumeru Tower, and they didn’t feel powerful.
Sun Hao Lian Dan used to take this thing to weigh the elixir, but it felt like it was not as convenient and fast as his own knowledge.
In the end, this Libra was thrown there by Sun Hao and rarely remembered.
However, Sun Hao couldn’t help but think of his own Libra and try it out when he said that the causal scale might have drifted to the mainland of Tianling.
I didn’t expect it to be a treasure of cause and effect.
Tao cat holds a causal scale, which is called a mixed feeling. If he had found the causal scale earlier, he might have achieved the mid-Mahayana monk. Maybe now he is still arrogant in the virtual world.
When I really got the causal scale in my hand, the cat came in an instant. In a sense, it is inevitable that Sun Hao’s body appears unexpectedly in the causal scale.
Seemingly accidental may also be inevitable.
Cause and effect scales naturally understand cause and effect, and practice their own cause and effect avenue, which makes Sun Hao feel the cause and effect, and the cause and effect scales feel that they will naturally be with Sun Hao.
Moreover, Sun Haoshen has a causal scale of Terran atmospheric transport, which can also perceive nature and will be willing to follow.
There is also the fact that the place where Sun Hao arrived in those days was the place where the Terran in Tianling Mainland had the strongest strength, and it became inevitable that the causal scale was stranded.
All kinds of causes and effects are analyzed, and the cat can’t help but sigh with great luck. This thing is really illusory and has its own destiny!
The secret has to be filled with emotion, and things are always like this.
Luo Pengfei couldn’t help but say, "What’s wrong with this thing? Have a look? "
Tao cat handed Sun Hao the causal scale with a little envy and a little relief, saying, "It’s natural after simple refining, but agarwood makes it best to choose the kind of scale that you feel strange and relatively complicated at the moment, but it would be a little sorry for this sacred identity."
Sun Hao took the causal weighing horse to drive the gods and Zhenyuan Refining and said, "According to Daoyou, is it that weighing the cause and effect will help you the most?"
Tao cat nodded, "It’s a good thing that you can understand the general cause and effect and the development process. It’s meaningless to use the scale. Maybe it will lower the grade of the causal scale in the end."
It is not difficult to refine the causal scale. In less than a quarter of an hour, Sun Hao shook his hands gently and the causal scale floated and transformed into a very delicate small scale.
Libra is about two feet high, with two layers of bases and two overlapping surfaces. One layer of base is slightly smaller, and a four-section column is erected. The four-section column is all long and conical, and it is about two feet high.
At the top of the third column, there is an arc-shaped beam extending to the left and right, and the two sharp corners are tilted up much like a man’s beard. Two thin ropes are hung with two scales.
The whole Libra is a bright gold, which is luxurious and atmospheric.
Peng-fei luo looked at the Libra mouth wowed "this thing can scale cause and effect? How? "
Sun Hao nodded and said, "After refining, it is really different. Generally speaking, I didn’t practice the causal avenue in the past, but now I have a clear perception and got the powerful method of the Terran predecessors, but it can really be used to weigh the cause and effect."
Say that finish Sun Hao check Libra.
Libra can weigh cause and effect, but before weighing accurately, some preparations must be made. First, it is necessary to clear Libra, that is, to make Libra have nothing else. After Sun Hao starts Libra, Libra will automatically start clearing according to the conditions.
The suitable condition is that the position of Libra must be horizontal, the height of Libra must be consistent, and the influence of environment must be consistent. A small difference will lead to inaccurate Libra results.
Sun Hao’s current position is to build his own wood, and the surrounding environment is all under his control. Naturally, Libra will soon perceive the right environment.
Sun Haoqi started the Libra automatic clearing.
A moment later, the message from Libra is ready, but Libra causes and effects.
There are two ways to weigh the cause and effect of the left and right trays of Libra, that is, to put the cause first and then weigh the fruit; Another nature is to put the fruit first and then weigh the cause.
This is the strangest innate treasure Sun Hao has ever seen.
According to the Tao cat, Libra is transformed from heaven and earth, so it is definitely a congenital treasure treasure.
After thinking about it, Sun Hao decided to weigh the results of his recent practice of refining Sumeru Tower.
Sun Hao refined Sumeru tower into five elements of fortune fairy treasure. Unexpectedly, it caused a powerful effect that he did not expect, not only pushing his five elements avenue to dzogchen, but also pushing his causal avenue to Dacheng. This was a result that was quite unexpected to Sun Hao.
Sun Hao didn’t see the whole process very well.
The consequences of this matter are very good, and the grade is very high. It won’t disgrace the sacred object to weigh it with scales.
Sun Hao, the fruit bowl, put it into Dacheng, Wuxing Avenue and dzogchen Causality Avenue, and then started Libra.
Libra flashes golden light and the fruit bowl sinks to show that the fruit bowl is loaded.
Sun Hao said with amazement in his heart, "I was just thinking about taking the results of my practice avenue to scale. I didn’t expect Libra to react. This is really a good Poké mon …"
Tao cat looked at Libra’s heart and asked curiously, "So how can Libra weigh the cause and effect?"
Sun Hao said with a smile, "Libra has two methods, one is relatively simple, and we can give a third one if we put two things in Libra. For example, if we put cause and fruit in Libra, Libra will naturally give some chance influencing factors relatively simply;" Or we put the cause and chance, then Libra can give a certain result … There is another kind that is more complicated and takes a long time when it is needed. That is to put one thing for Libra to weigh the other two things, and Libra will certainly be able to weigh all the results … "
Tao cat said, "That’s right, even Lingbao in heaven and earth can’t know that since agarwood is the result of road repair this time, you can put it because we can’t understand it, but the process is a little white. You can put Sumeru tower to see what conditions are affecting it."
Sun Hao nodded and said, "I’m going to put Sumeru Tower to see what factors have blessed the practice results of my avenue, but now I think it’s true. I can also put the five-element avenue Dacheng and the causal avenue small causes to scale, and I don’t know what the results will be different."
Luo Pengfei felt a little confused while touching his head.
Tao cat said, "Sometimes because it is also a chance, it can also be regarded as another kind of reason. It’s all right how you weigh it, but it’s just a different focus. If you don’t believe me, you can try it."
Corleone nodded. "Then I’ll put the sumeru tower as a reason to weigh it …"
Sun Hao’s mind moved, Libra’s body shook gently, and the golden light sank. Almost at the same time, some different information flooded into Sun Hao’s mind, and some Sun Hao did not understand the questions and gave new answers.
After the successful refining of Sumeru Condensing Tower, the strong air transport capacity can cause the progress of Sun Hao’s two avenues in unison. There are many reasons, and the most important reasons for Sumeru Condensing Tower are three aspects.
Chapter DiErWuQi Causality Scale (3)
First, the source of the five elements is strong enough; Second, Sun Haoshen’s representative air transport capacity is beyond Sun Hao’s imagination; Third, Sun Hao’s refining fortune fairy treasure has a racial wish and cause and effect.
These three reasons are that Sun Hao is really a little conscious. The first point is that the five elements are more powerful than Sun Hao expected. It is really beyond Sun Hao’s expectation that Libra weighed him two items.
If it weren’t for Libra Sun Hao, I didn’t expect such a result. For example, Sun Hao’s own gas capacity is not only the gas capacity of Terran, Medicine and Witch, but actually there are several ethnic groups whose gas capacity far exceeds that of Witch.
A Sun Hao of the sea family never dreamed that the influence attached to Sun Hao by the racial gas capacity was even stronger than that of the medicine family.
Well, Sun Haoshi is not much different from the sea clan. However, Sun Hao deprived the sea clan of 40% and helped the sea clan survive the catastrophe of heaven and earth. Maybe adding Poseidon is sleeping now, and the result is that Sun Haoshen’s sea clan’s gas transportation capacity is flourishing before, and the scale and strength of the sea clan far exceed that of the medicine clan. As a result, the sea clan’s gas transportation capacity shows that Sun Haoshen is even stronger than the medicine clan.
Sun Hao, the immortal, is incredibly powerful. Compared with thinking about it, Sun Hao suddenly realized that he is the king of the undead in the virtual black hole or the king of the dark world. It is strange that there is no immortal gas capacity.
Many forest races of the Sen nationality have also been reflected in themselves. Taken together, they are not much weaker than the Wu nationality.
A little thought that Sun Hao had recovered himself in vain, and several major fairy cities attached themselves to the peripheral races of the Terran and got their help. They came out of despair and regarded themselves as saviors, so it was inevitable that they would have luck to worship.
This kind of gas transportation capacity far exceeds Sun Hao’s expectation, which is the important reason why Sun Hao’s heroic fortune can go against the sky.
If you don’t take a causal scale to weigh Sun Hao, you never thought it would be such a reason.
Of course, there is one reason, which is the qualitative change of inadequacy.
Sun Hao didn’t think that the third reason, which is also the key point, was that the race of Zega Zerg was doomed to extinction. When the race was exterminated, he left a big wish of race, that is, to support their race and make it glorious. Brother Zega Zerg supported them to destroy it.
As a result, Sun Hao met two conditions, in which Sun Hao also got the ancient race’s final blessing and became Sun Hao’s fate, and Xianbao took a big step forward in his two avenues.
Feeling the message handed over by Libra, Sun Hao’s face showed a thoughtful expression. Sun Hao, the deputy soul of Sun Hao, allowed the situation, and the cat and Luo Pengfei also perceived the Libra message for the first time
Luo Pengfei’s mouth is full of wonder and interest. "It’s amazing that Libra can actually weigh out these hidden things. I have a hunch that with the help of this Libra, one day your causal avenue will be able to dzogchen."
The analysis of Tao’s secret is much more professional. "Aquilaria sinensis, you should pay attention to the fact that you take Sumeru Tower as a cause to weigh it. When you are now in this fruit, you have achieved great success in Wuxing Avenue and a small success in Causality Avenue. An environment reflects that they all appear as a whole in Libra without giving too much explanation. I believe that if you want to change the cause to weigh it, there should be different messages handed over."